CBA® Technical Features

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CBA's implementation is based on Sun/Oracle's Java development platform. While an unusual choice for real-time simulation, our experience since CBA's initial fielding in 2003 has shown that Java brings an uncommon level of flexibility and stability to real-time simulation development and maintenance.
Our philosophy behind CBA is to create a general system for managing the update of arbitrary data over time and to make no assumptions about the data being managed; instead, we provide a standard object assembly model, execution management, network distribution and other general services that can be used to model specific problem domains.

Technical Features

  • XML-driven Fractal ContainmentTM object assembly model
  • Run-time component assembly
  • Peer object model; no object is more important than another
  • Executive, timing, and general object life-cycle management to control execution
  • List-based processing model
  • Dynamic object addition and removal
  • Discovery services allow objects to find each other at runtime
  • Notification center "bulletin board" for inter-object events
  • Programmable object categorization and grouping
  • Multicast-based "data bus" reflected memory system for data sharing
  • TCP-based event system for transmitting events from hardware devices and user interfaces
  • View/Controller model for distributing graphical user interfaces over the network
  • Ability for remote users to connect to and interact with any object that provides a network interface
  • Users can dynamically switch from one object to another and control multiple objects simultaneously
  • Scalability from laptops through multiple racked computer configurations
  • Problem-domain neutral
  • Third-party extensible
  • Soft or hard real-time support with programmable frame rates
  • Java development platform
  • Ability to integrate C, C++, Fortran, Ada, or other models
  • Supported on Linux or Windows Intel PCs

CBA supports Live/Virtual/Constructive (LVC) simulation in any combination. The number of constructive entities that can be supported simultaneously is limited only by the processing power of the simulation host. Built-in DIS v6 support means you can participate in distributed exercises with only a minor amount of configuration to specify how to handle the entity types on the network.

Ph: 817-616-1000
2310 Gravel Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76118

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