The U/MH-60 Entity was built originally for Lockheed Martin as a business development simulator. It is currently deployed in two Kiosk platforms. The simulator was developed using ZedaSoft's CBA® for Simulation framework and includes the following capabilities:
General execution framework for entity and virtual world model and GUI components
Support for Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS) protocol versions 4 and 6
Generation of constructive threat and friendly entities include blue and red force surface ships
The MH-60 simulator includes the tactical mission equipment package software needed to simulate the unclassified public release features of this platform, including:
Pilot, Co-pilot and Sensor Operator Station interfaces to any number of stations simultaneously
Simulated radar system to track and identify surface ships
IFF system used to identify and classify surface ships
Support for tactical simulation of Penguin missiles
Programmable key system available for all operators